Pumps For All Resolution Memo

This Memo discusses a number of issues related to the Pumps For All (PFA) organizations and the problems that the organization currently faces. There are a number of issues and factors that ought to be considered in order to ensure that the problems which the PFA organization is facing are properly and adequately addressed. The issues of concern include the need to address the perceived improper employee recruitment strategies and constant assignment of many duties to the employees who may never have the required competencies to perform the assigned tasks.

Pumps For All Resolution Memo
You asked that I send you an outlined memo regarding the issues we seem to be having with the company engineers. Resolution of these issues is of paramount importance, and I looked into the two areas of most concern, possible adverse impact and a drop in production.

I. There has been a claim that our human resource policies and practices are having an adverse impact on protected classes of people.

A. There seems to be some legitimacy to this concern. I had our attorney check our company for compliance with the laws and regulations in regards to adverse impact.

Compliance Issues and the Relevant Contributing Factors
The need for the Pumps For All organization to fully adhere to the necessary laws and regulation in its business operations is very paramount. The first issue of compliance is the need for the organization to ensure that it portrays a global perspective to its business operations. In order to have a positive appeal to the customers and other relevant stakeholders, the need to ensure that the organization portrays itself as an international organization is vital (Bider 2005, pp.18-21). This would ensure that the recruited employees have a global outlook that would be appealing to the outside world.

The second issue of compliance is the need to ensure that there is specialization and division of labor. Division of labor would ensure that an employee only concentrates in the section of employment in which she or he is would greatly contribute thus ensuring that quality and production levels are steadily improved.
The second issue of compliance is the need to ensure specialization levels in the company greatly increase and the quality of the pumps are not compromised. The major contributing factor to this issue is the fact that the company has a very huge percentage of its employees from certain specific educational institutions.

Additionally, the employees have specific competencies which could in the long run compromise the quality of production. This is related to the second contributing factor that relates to the need for collaborative employment strategy with other related companies in the industry. Specialization in the PFA Organization, according to Bider (2005, pp.18-21), would also ensure that technology is properly integrated into the operation of PFA thus improving efficiency, integrity and productions levels. The need for compliance with technology and security issues would also be crucial in the operations of the PFA organization.

B. There are several options we can pursue to bring ourselves into compliance and ensure that we stay so.
Specialization In order to enhance the quality of pumps to be provided by the PFA, there is need to integrate the relevant technologies. Employees in the organization need to specialize in the production stages in the areas where they have utmost skills based on the overall design of the organization. Since it is never possible for each person to perform well in every department, specialization would ensure that the employees concentrate their efforts in the specific areas where they are best skilled and with the greatest interest. Low and inadequate levels of production in the best pumps in the organization need to be addressed through ensuring that there is specialization of duties concerned (Castro  Teniente 2005, pp.12-35 Stone 2005).

Diversify the employment strategies Their need to diversify business operations and employees skills. This would lead to the organizations having individuals with mixed races and very competent skills. The problem of recruiting from a specific race in a give section of the world may work against the success of the organization. People all over the world may have a very negative perception of the organization based on its selective strategy. The PFA should fully understand that race does not have any significance in the performance of the employees in their duties rather it is their competencies and skills that mainly matters in the performance of the task at hand.

It is important that the employees recruitment strategies to be employed be compliant to different countries and international employment laws, procedures and agreed upon regulations that govern employees welfare and working patterns (Stone 2005).

There is always a big difference between academic excellence and the actual competencies at work. Academic excellences do not always translate to better performance at work. The fact that engineers are recruited from the leading engineering schools in the United States of America does not necessarily mean that the recruited engineers have the experience to perform better. The fact that the engineers recruited always have very similar job requirement could as mean that the organization does not pay attentions to other vital sections of production.

Recommendations for Things to be Changed
In order to fully bring the organization into compliance and prevent further occurrences of the problems currently being experienced, there is need to change a number of issues that regard the PFA organization. To begin with, the manner in which employees are recruited needs to be overhauled. Employees should never be recruited purely based on their academic prowess. Better job performance of an organization depends to a greater extend to the diversity in skills of the employees (Lee 1996, pp. 322498). Employees should therefore be assessed based on their experience in the field, their abilities to enhance greater performance and bring uniqueness in the organization and their other relevant skills.

Employees with diverse job designs should be recruited to the organization since this would enhance exchange of different ideas hence leading to better and unique organizational performance in the production of the pumps by PFA.

To stay into compliance and ensure that we fully stay so, the organization need to set new employee recruitment policies. The policies should ensure an equal balance in the gender, race, academic and cultural background of the employees to be recruited. There should also be policies to ensure that the recruited employees do not necessary come from a single region since this may not be a true reflection of the organizations vision, mission and the manner in which it operates.

Furthermore, there is need for the PFA Organization to ensure that it adheres to the laws and regulations in different countries in order to ensure that the recruitment procedure of its employees is not marred with any irregularities (Castro  Teniente 2005, pp.12-35). The engineer job design should therefore be more broadened to include people from other professions with other unique skills required in the companys better performance.

II. There has been a drop in production and our engineer job design might be contributing factor. I looked into this.

A. The process that we used to analyze the position follows.

Process Used to Analyze the Situation and Position
Process mining used was in the analysis of the situation and assessment of the position of the PFA organization. The process entailed in-depth analysis of the entire operations of the PFA organization, the skills of the company, the vision, mission, and the current performance of the business. This method is crucial as enabled proper understanding of the current situation without any levels of biasness (Dubin 1988). The actions suggested were based on the fact that the problems being faced were compromising on the production levels, perception of the public and the overall performance of the company. The methods suggested would also enhance flexibility in the business processes (Grigori, Castellanos, Casati, Sayal, Shan and Dayal 2004, pp.320-340).

B. There are several benefits to this process as indicated below
The process also ensures utilization of questionnaires and interviews carried out to employees and other stakeholders and shareholders that were considered to hold strategic positions in the company. This job analysis process helped in soliciting more information that helped in the preparation of this Memo. The use of questionnaire and interviews in the data collection and analysis of the PFA Organization provided room for continued assessment of the performance of the organization (Lee 1996, pp. 322498). The other benefit for the use of process mining and interview is the fact that more information is collected and the equal employment opportunities and the compliance issues are adequately addressed.

The methods outlined above best explain why I would conduct the job analysis in the above manner. From the above arguments, it is evident that proper planning and analysis and setting up of relevant policies would greatly help in ensuring that the problems of inequality in employment strategies employed and other compliance issues are fully addressed.


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