
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is shocked to hear from his fathers ghost that it was Claudius who actually murdered his father by pouring poison into his ear, when he was fast asleep in the garden. Although Hamlet sets his mind on revenging his fathers death, he delays taking revenge on Claudius for he wants to confirm that Claudius was the actual murderer. This attitude of Hamlet brings forth his indecision to act on his decisions.

    When Hamlet hears from his fathers ghost that he was killed by his brother, he was skeptical and was double minded whether to believe it or not. But realizing the gravity of the charge, he seeks to find the truth behind the death.  He decides to act insanely, without hesitance so he could make the culprits spills the beans.

    Once Hamlet is assured that Claudius is the murderer of his father, he goes to Claudius room to kill him. But he stops when he realizes that Claudius has been praying. He decides not to kill him because he thinks that if Claudius is killed during prayers, Claudius would be absolved of all his sins. A villain kills my father, and for that  I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven...And that his soul may be as damned and black  As hell whereto it goes (Shakespeare 281).

    Hamlets delay in killing Claudius shows that Hamlet lacks the courage to act on his decisions. He wavers in his decision to avenge his fathers death even though it is his father who had told him about his murder.

    Hamlet discovers the truth that his father was murdered by Claudius owing to the revelation of his fathers ghost. Even though Hamlet decides to avenge his fathers death, he delays in acting upon his decision for he wants to ascertain that Claudius was the real murderer. His delay points out towards his indecisiveness.


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