Comparing Marquis De Sade s Justine and Voltaire s Candide.

Voltaire and Marquis de Sade can be considered as among the few notable literary writers.  Among their famous works are Candide and Justine respectively. On one hand, Voltaire is an essayist and a French Enlightenment writer. Most of his works are focused on civil liberties, specifically on free trade and freedom of religion. Voltaire serves as a pen name to Francois-Marie Arouet. On the other hand, Marquis de Sade is not only a writer but also a revolutionary and a French aristocrat. He is known for writing political tracts, short stories, novels that depict eroticism or sexual fantasies which are bizarre. Both of these writers infuse philosophy on their writing. 
This paper deals with comparing the works of Marquis de Sade and Voltaire. More specifically, the comparison will delve on their masterpieces, Justine and Candide. Through this paper, one will be able to determine the similarities and differences on the style of writing as well as on the way the message of the stories were delivered.      
Justine vs. Candide
During the age of enlightenment, Voltaire wrote a French satire entitled  Candide, oul Optimisme  or in English, Candide or, Optimism. Voltaire s Candide is about a young man who, after being indoctrinated by the philosophy of optimism, goes to various challenges that made him question the Leibnizian mantra that  all is for the best of all possible worlds.  The novel presents romance clichs as well as many adventures that reflects during the process the author s ridiculing of the governments, philosophers and philosophies, armies, theologians, religion and most importantly the Leibnizian optimism.        
In Candide, the style of writing is humorous hence it is able to capture its readers. While it may be said to be blasphemous, its brilliance cannot also be denied. It can be considered to be one of the most successful satires because it is able to present the great tragedy of the story but nonetheless maintain its comedic side. The way the human condition is portrayed is clever and that under a thin veil of naivet, it was able to present highly controversial issues on intellectual hostility, political sedition as well as religious blasphemy.    
Meanwhile, the masterpiece  Justine  is the work of Marquis de Sade. This novel is about two sisters named Juliette and Justine who became orphans at early age and lived in a nunnery. The novel focuses on the life of Justine as she set out to search for work as well as shelter. In her quest for virtue, Justine is instead faced with series of misfortunes and most of them are on being raped and tortured. The story of Justine invokes various philosophical ideas like vice and virtue subjectivity, pursuing desire, going against the accepted tradition, considering nature as man s true ruler, believing that reason dominates the disinterested system, believing in the evils of absolutism and many more.         
This paper has significantly discussed the works of de Sade and Voltaire- Justine and Candide respectively. Candide is a story the presents the philosophy of optimism but with the human conditions, it is found out that not everything in this world is for the best. On the story of Justine, it is best described as an erotic novel about its character Justine and the challenges presented to her as she journeys for virtue in life.  
    Both of the works has been imbibed with great philosophy. They are not simply pieces of writings but the kind of work that is deep and implies the authors  philosophy. These two literary pieces invokes the consciousness of the readers. Both of the novels depict intellectually the hardship and reality of human conditions. Moreover, the novels presents the  perceived truth  by significantly clarifying the realities of life and the possibility of pain, dismay, unexpected twists in life, and even frustrations. Indeed, life is not all happiness and best things but melted and tainted with sorrows and mysteries. The works of de Sade and Voltaire reflected this connotation with relevance and artistic presentation. Thus, the said works must be read with enthusiasm for learning purposes.


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