Having the opportunity to study in the United States is one of the biggest achievements in my life being awarded with a scholarship is an icing on the cake. I came here with great hopes for a bright future for myself. However, I did not expect that living and studying away was far from being a piece of cake.

In my first semester, I found it hard fitting in my school. While everyone had someone with them at all times, I was alone and watched from a corner. Though I tried to talk to some students in my classes, my meager knowledge in the English language became a barrier. I did try to make friends but the differences in culture and beliefs were so evident that they found it difficult to deal with me and I with them. Similarly, the moment I arrived home, there was no one to talk to and share the days stories. These are things I was not used to because back in my home country of Turkey, I always had someone to communicate with both in school and at home. Here, it was completely different as I had to put up with the challenges of adapting in a new school and practically, a new life.

Because of all these, my grades suffered. I did not do well in my studies as evidenced by my low grades. That time, no matter how I tried, my body and my mind failed to work in harmony. This took its toll when my body collapsed and I suffered. It took me weeks before I got back on track but when I did I strived to improve on my academic and social standing. Fortunately, I fared well as my grades improved and I finally gained friends.

Now, just for this last semester, I am appealing to regain the scholarship I lost. Admittedly, I did not do well before but for this last time, I know I can prove myself worthy of another chance. Indeed money is an important reason for this appeal but more than that, I want to show this school and my family back home that I can do it and that students like me can make mistakes and still have an opportunity to regain what they lost and fulfil their goals in the end.


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