A Day without iPod Facebook and Cell Phone

Spending a day without my cell phone, iPod and Facebook seemed almost impossible to me. Just the thought of doing away with them made me cringe already even before disregarding them. I would say it was an empty feeling I first had when I took away these important gadgets. How was I going to contact my friends and family during the day without my cell phone How would I know the latest happenings on campus without Facebook Wouldnt I get bored without my iPod These are some of the questions that kept running through my mind when I begun this experience.

As if to confirm my initial fears, reaching my friends and colleagues was quite a challenging task. This was especially manifested when I had to pick my book from my friends room only to find that she would not be around till late that evening. I could have avoided this situation if I had my cell phone. Apart from that, I was not settled throughout the day. This is because I kept thinking that maybe there was an emergency yet my people could not reach me. What is more, it was very hard to make any plans since without my cell phone I could not reach my friends so as to establish what they are up to.

Further still, spending the day without Facebook was also quite challenging. I could not tell what new developments had occurred on campus, in my social affiliations or even among my friends. What is more, I felt like I had completely lost contact with my peers. Some of my friends on Facebook are from distant countries there was no way I could bump on them on my way. This was even intensified by the fact that I did not have my cell phone therefore there was no way I could reach them. In just a day, I was already missing my peers. I felt like I had completely lost contact and was missing out on important happenings.

Switching off my iPod for the whole day was also not an interesting thing to do. This made me realize how much boredom I manage to cut off with my iPod. I must admit this was one of the most boring days I ever experienced. What is more, I could not stay away from conversations I didnt want to participate in. In such situations, I would normally just turn on my iPod and enjoy my music. On this day, I was compelled to listen to conversations I was not interested in just because I had no iPod to bail me out of the situation.

On the other hand, though, I also realized how I spent so much of my time using these gadgets. The experience helped me to realize how much I usually cut myself off from my family. On a normal day, I would only have short conversations with them before turning to my social applications. On this day, I spent more time with my dad and we even had a long conversation. A day without these gadgets helped me to bond with my family better than I usually did.

Still on the same note, I also realized that I managed to complete most of my assignments. These were finished quite on time and I even had more time left to do other things. It was clear to me that most of my time was spent on all or one of these gadgets such that I barely had time to finish my assignments or even do other things such as bonding with my family and close friends. At the end of the day, I realized that as important as these gadgets are to me they also had a negative impact on my life. While it may be difficult to completely discard these gadgets, I could still try to spend less time using them. This will help me to ensure that I do not compromise my relationships with family and friends or any of my responsibilities.


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