Macbeth A Warrior Who Has Fallen From Grace

Macbeth is an epic tragedy that delves on the remarkable pity and remorse of the main character which implicitly reveals its flaws as a human being. Macbeth, the main character in this epic, was first portrayed as a valiant soldier who has the perfect characterization of a real hero. Nevertheless, because of his great ambition to become a king, he was influenced to kill King Duncan in order to get the crown and glory for himself. This incident, though it makes his dream come true, becomes his worst nightmare as it brings more terrible situations in his life. At the end of his journey, he pays all the consequences of his acts but still ends his life as a valiant soldier.

Macbeth as an Admired Warrior
At the start, Macbeth is portrayed as a great man and warrior to his country. He is the hero of the people as he succeeded many battles in different places. He even considered as the subject of reward and recognition of King Duncan for his extraordinary knowledge and skills (Shakespeare 385).

For most people, Macbeth is a man who is a perfect model for inspiration and admiration. He was admired by the people because of his great courage and bravery. Because of his much good in him, Macbeth was expected to be far away from devoid of humanity and pity (Bradley 10). Even Duncan admired him so much for his bravery and courage. The king, in fact, gave him another kingdom and appointed him as the Thane of Cawdor (Shakespeare 387).

The Cause of Fallen
Though Macbeth was characterized as a valiant and brave soldier who is worthy to become a hero and model, he still became a conscious villain because of the various influences from his environment.

The main reason why Macbeth became a remorseful murderer and devilish tyrant from a perfect and valiant soldier is the evil that corrupts his mind.  Macbeths greedy and dark ambition was awakened because of his encounter with the witches. Through the intervention of these witches, he murdered King Duncan in order for him to realize his dream of becoming a real king (Shakespeare 384). In this characterization in the epic, there are a lot of reflections that can be seen which are indeed true and relevant to the life of the people in real life situation.

This situation, for instance, has perfectly showed the weakest side of Macbeth as a human being. If and only if he did not let himself to be tempted by these evils who made his mind rotten, he could have waited for the perfect time for him to be crowned as the king. The primary reason why the witches tempted Macbeth is because they want him to be defeated by his own hands. Looking at the embedded portrayal of the main character, Macbeth should have a perfect start and end if only he had resisted the temptation of these witches. Macbeth is a valiant soldier and if he could have been waited only for his turn, he could have been the king after King Duncan. But because of the intense will to power and control, he followed the advice of the witches to kill King Duncan in exchange for his crown as the king.

Another realization on the betrayal of Macbeth is that eventhough a person has a strong sense for goodness and morality, money and power can still change the mind and decision of that individual. Macbeth is a perfect example of this claim. He was portrayed as a strong and valiant soldier at the start. At the start of the epic, Macbeth was introduced as a great warrior and a great man. He is the hero of the recent battles and is the subject of the recognition from King Duncan (Shakespeare 386). But he became a murderer in the end because of his dream to become a king.


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