The Title Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore

The title of the book, Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore by David Booth is an intentionally provocative. Booth intended to categorically invite people onto the train of reading. He succinctly chose the title to outline the essence of the simple steps that parents and teacher can use to revolutionize the way they view reading and thus encourage childrens reading in all formats and genres. This paper therefore seeks to explain why the Booths book has the title Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore.

All the twelve chapters in this book begin with the title Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore and Booth continue to explain how we can ensure that reading does indeed continue to matter. A case in point is the subtitles Booth give chapter one and six respectively. Significantly, in chapter one, the title is ground breaking with the words, Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore Unless We Expand our Definition of Literacy. In addition Chapter six begins with the catchy title Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore Unless We Value the Reading Responses of Young People (Booth, 2001). The Twelve coherent chapters thus, cover topics that seek to redefine reading, by underscoring that technology is part of the new reading literacy. In addition, Booth gave his book this title as a way of exploring how words work and turning printed texts into active learning.

In this title, Booth succeeds in engaging the readers and his audience by arguing that everybody in the literacy society should effort to redefine reading and take it beyond the boundaries of literature if only we dream of convincing children that reading has value in their lives. Booth writes that the needs of school literacy must be authentic, purposeful, positive, pleasurable and supported. Accordingly, the title, Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore provides to us that the needs of literacy in the society should involve connections and choice, as well as enjoyments and empowerment. In light of this, the title of the book communicates the ultimate need for teachers, parents and educators to adopt a mentoring role that would assist the young literacy apprentice in the development. As booth argues, some children need someone to sit beside them and show them the secret (Booth, 2001). This secret is plausibly behind the objective of enjoying the successful experiences of literacy.

Booth primarily uses this book to strongly advocate for the concept of multi-literacies. Through his well constructed title, he insist that educational mentors and guides must embrace this concept and thereby more need to be carried out in schools as far as multi literacy is concerned. For instance, schools must have a variety of literary pursuits that transcend the traditional concept of reading and writing. In essence, Booth lists 101 literacy events that are concisely intended for children, teachers and parents. He postulates how the 101 list carries varied events necessary to excite the reader because of the many options around them. The title, Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore illuminates Booths broader understanding of both the concept of reading and writing.

The book passionately spreads the expanded view of teaching literacy skills to the students of the 21st century. The title concisely exhorts teachers and educators to devise innovative approaches and extensively use all available types of reading materials to reconstruct reading so that it embraces the needs and interests of the students in the present society. In the view of Booth, the customary concept of reading falls short of very important elements. As such, reading materials must include comic materials, graphics novels, technical manuals, internets and many more. In building literacy, the book helps one through possible approaches towards developing a reading habit. It is equally important to focus on literacy across the curriculum. Significantly, Booth journeys on underscoring the importance of developing these strategies in an entertaining and highly readable anecdotal style.

Furthermore, Booth uses his book to emphasis on the ardent need for young people to have numerous opportunities to own their texts. He chose a title that captures this and is indeed an interesting analogy to the whole concept of literary. For example, in the book, Booth uses an allegory of how people should learn how to swim. Accordingly, the primary rule is to immerse themselves in the water and when it is all around them, they should begin touching themselves at every turn. Essentially, this is exactly how learners literacy experience should be guided.

Every concept articulated in this book resonate the fundamental question of restructuring reading. As such, Booth writes in a straightforward manner that is often forthright to basically get to the underlying heart of the matter. He ideally leaves his reader with no doubt as to where he sits on the whole issue. Reading Doesnt matter Anymore is a matter for more and more people to join into the campaign of modifying reading cultures so that accuracy and coherence may be achieved in the literacy world.

To articulate the essence of the matter, Booth delves into using the anecdotes from his own personal experiences in teaching and learning in both the public schools and university. It is liberally coated with humor and portends the way of telling stories that are geared towards making one stop and think about the entire role of reading in literacy. For instance, his humorous anecdote about the time his father helped him to complete an art assignment is a classic. Booth at that time was in grade three and thus was struggling to catch up with class work after a host of absences due to illness. As a result, his well meaning father stepped into the breach to purposely help him complete the assignment and projects.

With regard to this, the book is a fundamental text for all schools that aim at developing reading proficiency. In addition, the society should equally spend a considerable amount of money on purchasing literacy text as a model for clothing the mind of not only young children but also the society at large. He in a way challenges the efforts invested in parents purchasing expensive designer clothes for their children.

In a nutshell, the title of this book is a well intended and does articulate the ground breaking aspects of reading that Booth outline. For example, the specific dealings with common reading problems and constructing better reading models as well as teaching strategies for reading is an innovative way of helping students to cope with individual challenges to reading and master reading and literacy competence. Teachers and parents stand to benefit a great deal because, they will discover many effective ways they can use to work with young readers in a one on one conference, collaborative groups and as a community of readers.
To recap, Booths book Reading Doesnt Matter Anymore is titled to integrate tools that that will help the entire educational community such as teachers, parents and educators in planning, modifying and adding their input into drilling young readers in acquiring competency in reading. In essence, the book outlines stages of reading and corresponding indicators, description of young readers with different abilities, mini lessons on reading techniques as well as paradigms and checklists that can help in assessing, monitoring and report reading progress. It is a highly recommended book that teachers should read.

How to Send Out the Message King and Swifts Way

Martin Luther King and Jonathan Swift are two of the best writers in history. They have produced some of the best and most influential writings in the world. One of their most admirable quality of their works is the way they effectively convey messages because of the style they were written that specifically considers their audience.

Kings (1963) Letter from Birmingham City Jail talks about the actions committed by King and his followers in Birmingham City in order to correct the oppression and discrimination practices that happened in the city. Injustice was prevalent in Birmingham City especially because of the massive segregation of the blacks from the whites. Hence, King wrote the letter in response to a group of clergyman who questioned his belief and his commitment to promote the desegregation of people according to race. The letter was also written in jail because King was imprisoned earlier because of his actions.

In his letter, he discusses a lot of things important to the civil rights movement in his time. He mentions that his presence in Birmingham was a result of the problems of the city. King (1963) tells the recipients of the letter that  the citys white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative,  and so, they resorted to demonstrations in order to fight for fairer treatment (p. 2). He asserts to the clergymen that it was about time for the blacks to stand for themselves and make the whites aware that they will no longer put up with their discriminatory acts. King (1963) refers to this  constructive, non-violent tension  as the only answer to the problem of injustice (p. 3). Kings letter is well-written and completely details the purpose of what he found as the proper action towards the mistreatment of the blacks. He even states that the authorities should start answering the  pressure from the devotees of civil rights  (King, 1963, p. 3). The tone of voice that King (1963) employs in his letter has a hint of defiance and disappointment towards his critics and the whites, yet he is firm with his belief that the injustices should be corrected already. King (1963) uses real examples to clear his stand that  oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever  and appeals heavily to the emotions of the readers (p. 7). King also presents a religious comparative analysis between his experiences and beliefs because he is appealing to his fellow clergymen to understand him and see the light of his beliefs.

Swifts (1729) A Modest Proposal, on the other hand, talks about the problems of poverty in Ireland, specifically on the situation of women who resort to begging in order for their children to live. Swift takes the view of a concerned economist in writing this satire. In a sarcastic and witty tone, Swift proposes that, to solve poverty, mothers should be allowed to sell their one-year old children to the market. These children could be bought as food for the wealthy people. Aside from elevating the poverty rates, Swift (1729) explains that this practice could also help  prevent those voluntary abortions  and all lives would be deemed useful. The practice that Swift wanted to impose is very ludicrous in principle and yet, the ironic descriptions and high-tempered manner of speaking that the writer uses makes it effective in pushing people to read and think. Swifts (1729) solution that children  be offered in the sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom  as food is hair raising, especially due to his explicit descriptions. However, in reality, he appeals to the people who can really help the poor without having to sacrifice the lives of young children.

Both Swift and Kings writings are effective in their appeals towards their audiences. If the two writers would interchange the tone of voice and choice of words they used in their writings, their audiences would probably be bewildered and their purpose for writing would be misjudged. For instance, if Swift used a serious tone in the same context of his writing, he would have been considered mentally unstable and would probably be punished for his proposal. His real message would not reach his audience. On the other hand, if King used the sarcastic tone that Swift used in his proposal, he would not be taken seriously by his critics, and they would probably think that he is mocking the issue of racial segregation.

Hence, King and Swifts writings are both effective and thought-provoking in the sense that they are well-written and they promote strong arguments. Both writers highly considered the audience of their writings and employed the tone that fits their intentions best. Their writings are both socially relevant and eye-opening. These qualities make the works of King and Swift influential and effective in getting the message across their audience.
Youre on the right track. Youre basically writing a Seems to be about X, but is really about Y paper. The White Heron seems to be about Sylvia choosing to protect nature, but its really about her development from adolescence into adulthood. So the first half of your paragraph should explain X, while the second half moves to Y. Youre basically doing this, but you need to look for places where you can add a sentence or two to explain your ideas. My main critique is that the paragraph doesnt include a statement of theme, or a position that the author takes on an issue. Add a sentence at the end of the paragraph that includes this. Protecting nature isnt a theme, its a topic. The theme in this story comes from Sylvias encounters with the hunter. You need a sentence like, Jewett uses Sylvias choice to show that ... Also, for the body paragraphsit will be better if some quotes are provided from the story. Thanks

In this short story, we were taken to see the development and growth of the protagonist Sylvia. Initially she was a city girl but transferred to the provincial lifestyle with her grandmother. The symbol that reflected to Sylvias passion for her new life with nature is the white heron. The white heron represents the choice Sylvia was going to make at the end of the story as well as the new world she was immersed to. With the arrival of a young ornithologist, Sylvia as a pubescent female was entranced by him and was torn between pleasing the young man or saving the tranquility of the world she is living in. This paper would discuss that the short storys symbol, the white heron, is not only representing the protagonists development but also her way of protecting her new home. The overall theme of the story is searching and realization, wherein Sylvia the main protagonist of the story made a choice not to tell the ornithologist the location of the white heron due to her own realization of what was happening to her world due to the ornithologists actions and that while during the search for the white heron she came to realize that this world in the forests that she has wrapped around herself like a cloak to keep the rest of the world at bay is a small one, that there are wider expanses out there to explore and that she has yet to experience them herself.

The white heron in the story was elusive, hard to find and seemingly something out of reach. In the beginning of the story we read Sylvias vivid description of the small world around her its vivid description shows how much shes familiar with the place and how she truly values it however we also learn from the story that Sylvia has a fear of people. This can be interpreted from the line Afraid of folks, old Mrs. Tilley said to herself, with a smile, after she had made the unlikely choice of Sylvia from her daughters houseful of children, and was returning to the farm. Afraid of folks, the said I guess she wont be troubled no great with em up to the old place(part I). This shows that the limited world around her is her comfort zone, sort of like a shroud of nature to keep the world at bay since she is afraid of people. This is proven by the event in the story wherein she initially meets the ornithologist for the first time and tries to avoid him at first and is afraid of him.  Initially the protagonist Sylvia was after the Heron for the 10 offered by the ornithologist and during the night thought of the different treasures that this amount of money would be able to buy. During the search where in she uses the great pine tree in the story to discover the location of the heron Sylvia sees the vastness of the world around her, from the town, to the vast forest to the ships sailing in the sea. She comes to realize that the world around her is not all there is to be. This can be likened to the old story of the frog in the well wherein a frog is at the bottom of a deep well and thinks all that is around him is the world and he is its master without knowing of the vast sea beyond. The search and the finding of the white heron symbolize a new world for the character. Where she realizes that there is more to life than just the simple place where she lives and that where she is right now. As said in the beginning the elusiveness of the white heron which seems out of reach can be interpreted as the world outside of our own personal wells, always elusive and just out of reach. The reason why Sylvia didnt tell the hunter about the whereabouts of the heron is due to the fact that heron for her came to symbolize purity and change. Namely the purity of the world around her which the hunter changed for the worst when he shot down several birds and change when in the search for the heron her view of the world changed. For me the story of the white heron is about discovering what is out there, that there is something more to life than just our own little worlds. The white heron is the symbol of the elusive change that we can achieve if we just search for it. That we can step out of our own comfort zones and see a new and better world beyond. Sometimes a change of perspective is needed, even if that perspective need be from the top of a tall tree.

A White Heron story may at first delude the readers that it had taken an environmental stance through the protagonist. After all, it is a story of a young lady who grew to love her new provincial life. Through the white heron, the readers will be able to interpret this literary piece in a whole different perspective. Sylvia was not only portrayed protecting the white heron but also growing from adolescence to adulthood. We saw her developing feelings towards the young hunter of admiration turning into the first stirrings of love. We can see it on the last paragraph of part I, - But as the day waned, Sylvia still watched the young man with loving admiration. She has never seen anybody so charming and delightful the womans heart, asleep in the child, was vaguely thrilled by a dream of love. Sylvia also decided to search the white heron by herself not only to please the young man but also to feel the sense of adventure. When she finally found the white heron, she felt a sense of awe and finally saw that there was much to offer from nature. She was suddenly thrown into a decision of whether to tell the ornithologist of this discovery. Yet even with the excited queries from Mrs. Tilley and the ornithologist regarding the bird, Sylvia kept her silence. Any young child would be easily intimidated to follow an adults bidding or tempted by the reward. Sylvia, surprisingly, denied that she knew of the birds whereabouts. We can feel the protagonists feelings by the storys narration No, she must keep her silence What is it that suddenly forbids her and makes her dumb Has she been nine years growing and now, when the great world for the first time puts out a hand to her, must she thrust aside for a birds sake... she cannot tell the herons secret and give its life away. (Part II). She, unconsciously, grew into a wise woman from that event alone.  

By realizing and interpreting the symbol that the author was trying to express we find ourselves relating more to the story, that there is something we can focus on. The symbol comes to be the very heart of the story itself and that whenever we think of the story what we think of first would be the symbol. It enriches the story in such a way that we realize that sometimes not everything is as cut and dry as it seems. That sometimes you have to read in between the lines to see what the true story actually is.

Three most valuable things in your life

Write 3 most valuable things in your life. Explain why they are valuable and make some examples.

I would need one of those things be a family (wife and parents). You can choose two others by yourself but they really need to be valuable for most of the people.

This paper can be even less than 1 page, just 4-5 paragraphs but it has to be perfect and please remember that I am a male.

A persons life always revolves around a few important things. It is those things which bring meaning to life and without all these a persons life is worthless. A person struggles most of the time to either maintain these important things or to get those things. My life is no different, I have three most valuable things in my life and I constantly get inspiration from these things and work hard to maintain them. I will explain each one of them now

To me the most important thing is my family which includes my parents, my siblings and my wife at this time in future this will also include my kids. To me my family is my whole world. These are my source of my inspiration and I feel better when I am around them, I can share my feelings without any trouble with them and I can depend on their advice at anytime because I know they will never give me a wrong advice. I love my family the most in this world.

The second most important thing in my life is my reputation, I have worked hard to earn it and to be known as a trustworthy and a reliable person, indeed I am like that too. To earn this reputation I have helped people out of the way and will continue to do the same in future  and I will not let anything tarnish my reputation.

The third most important thing is my career I have worked hard and have attained a high degree of masters to achieve the job that I have today. I not only like my job but I do my utmost to perform and be the best. It was been my dream to work as an Electrical engineer since my childhood and I have become one of the best engineers of my company. . Since my school I worked hard in engineering subjects and designing so that I can one day become a design engineer.

I cannot trade anything for any of old these three valuable things, if somebody would even offer me a million dollars , I will not sacrifice any of these things. For my family I can sacrifice my life  if needed and I am sure I am not the only one who would do that , even you would , wouldnt you

Magical Realism and Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo

Magic realism is a prognosis of the unexpected, usually within a setting which is sternly realistic and predictable. It has also been projected as the altered reality in that the characteristic elements of reality are interspersed with miraculous occurrences outweighing the actual flow of the events and sometimes, albeit very rarely, changing the anticipated course of the events (Concilio 18). In the light of this definition, this essay is going to document the elements of magic realism in Juan Rulfos seminal work titled Pedro Pramo.
The literary genre of magic realism was popularized in Latin America following the publication of Pedro Pramo (Pelayo 20). Both spatial as well as temporal shifts have been made in the novel to accommodate for mythical components derived from the times gone by (Concilio 19). Comala, the native land of the protagonist of the novel, is a projection of the past into a world of reality which is quintessentially dissociated from the present. Rulfo resorts to a disjunct narrative technique to achieve his objective. Such narratives unfold multi-linear progressions of time in the presence of a single narrator whose very existence is purposefully disposed of the context (Zamora and Faris 306). This is manifested in Pedro Pramo when Juan Preciado undertakes a journey to Comala after his mothers demise. The narrative from this point onwards becomes split and thus the readers anticipation receives a setback. Just when the readers begin to expect the course of the plot after they are introduced to an unnamed narrator apparently in the beginning of a winding journey in search of his fathers homeland, they have to wait till the end to know the real identity of the narrator (DLugo 73). This marks a notable feature of the school of magic realism. The frames of reference, as viewed and understood by the readers, are in gross desynchronization with the time in which they are placed. So from the viewpoint of the readers, the exposition of the narrators journey can never be fully realized till it is over. At the same time, the journey itself is compounded with apparently unrelated occurrences that render a mystic charm to the final destination, both figuratively as well as realistically.

Smith critiques Pedro Pramo stating that its simplistic characterization augments the subliminal threads of storytelling. The attainment of surrealistic virtues amidst a drab setting calls for supreme mastery of authorship, which abounds in Pedro Pramo. Moreover, the absurdist elements incorporated in the novel embody the root of Hispanic literature per se (552). However, Faris argues that Pedro Pramo transcends its surrealistic genre and accomplishes an animistic level of discourse once the narrator comes to Comala (84). This land of the dead creates a hallucinatory effect upon his senses, making him oblivious to the task he is supposed to perform. At the same time, he is mentally so worn out that his physical movements become increasingly otiose. Now as far as the illustration of magic realism is concerned, it may be noted that death and magic were both integral to primitive community practices involving the revelation of the dark aesthetics of myths. The authenticity of Juan Rulfo lies in his intellectual rendition of those myths which could easily have been sentimentalized by a less adept writer.

In essence, Pedro Pramo is a hallmark literary creation of the twentieth century in many respects. It is undoubtedly the predecessor to Mexican supra-lingual literature that evolved in the latter half of the twentieth century. While One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garca Mrquez can be extolled as the most representative work of magic realism in contemporary world literature, Pedro Pramo certainly presents itself as a close contender to the former work.
Top 10 Reasons Online Learning Is For Me

Im an online junkie.  (Being online is pretty addicting, I might as well use it to my advantage)

Im modern.  (Being online is something this generation appreciates an maximizes)

I enjoy warp zones.  (Online learning requires major concentration that should disorient you from reality a bit).

Im a pathfinder.  (This is instinct, and online learning requires tracking and counter-checking of information.)

Im not a stand-up comedian.  (Im not spontaneous but Im disciplined.  I take learning seriously.)

Its all about words.

I cry at movies and I barf at roller coaster rides.  (I know how to de-stress and relate to people even if I dont see them.)

I can sleep all I want without getting caught.  (Sleep isnt the enemy in learning.)

Im FREEEE (I can be as sloppy and do anything I want as long as Im online.)

I can win any word game without time limits.  (I am resourceful.)

Top 10 Reasons Why Id Rather Be in a Traditional Classroom

Im Ms Popular.  (Socialization is a wonderful way of learning.  Im a people-person.)

Im straight.  (I believe in formal and conservative thinking.)

Im territorial.  (I follow a system that works, and that includes a schedule, a classroom and a routine.)

Im no ghost-hunter and I believe in to see is to believe.  (Its easy to pretend about something you cant be
sure about.  Its not about trust, its simply about being part of the present time and being able to acknowledge reality with your senses.)

Im a performer.  (There are other skills to tap and the traditional classroom gives that opportunity.)

Its about words with body language.  (Non-verbals speak more than the actual words.  Interaction and communication must work right to be effective.)

I love the library.  (Textbooks are part of the requirement and the rest of the other books allow me to distress.)

I can practice sleeping while my eyes are open.  (specially when tired.)

Someones watching me.  (The idea that someones supervising makes me exert more effort  to not do anything stupid.)

Go fish.  (Should play by the rules.)


Beowulf is apparently a tale of a hero who comes in the ultimate purpose of helping Danish King Hrothgar, whose land and kingdom have been assaulted and terrified by the vicious dragon named Grendel. Just like any other heroes in films, Beowulf managed to defeat Grendel with his crafty skills and physical strength. After Beowulf defeated Grendel, he meets Grendels mother, who is seductive yet dangerous, and who enthralls and curses him. With all her doings, Beowulfs decency was corrupted but which will later be regained after an ultimate battle.

I found it beneficial that some novels were made to movies. It is a significant alternative for non-readers to connect with the important themes of literature and learn about the printed text. However, some movies were not able to portray the story according to my expectations. For instance, the movie Beowulf in my own opinion unsuccessfully illustrates the theme of the book which is good versus evil. The movie gave life to Beowulf who overcomes evil through his extraordinary strengths. Though the classical poem has perhaps become something of a burden for most people maybe including me but the movie has all the ingredients that present the blockbuster action flicks from graphic violence, immense battles and fantastic graphic creatures. The description of battles and violence inside the book satisfies me visually in the movie but some of the themes, depths and substance of the poem are a little bit sacrificed. I think the animation and other visual elements were exaggerated without so much emphasis on the characters dialogues and development. Note the setting is a feudal newly Christianized world still populated by the monsters and demons of the ancient world but the characters sense of Christianity is not highlighted which is supposedly important to get the message on how good triumph evil. But it is still a great translation especially if the main purpose is to make it more accessible to all kinds of audiences.

The visual effects of the film were really great though with three-dimensional images of character. In this movie the film makers generated new animation tools where they incorporated the elements of key frame animation to capture the facial expressions of the actors and actresses. Through this technology, the scenes look more real which makes the viewers imagine the distant past so vividly. The film is apparently visually appealing perfect for the younger audience. The story though is not so faithful to the printed text.