Top 10 Reasons Online Learning Is For Me

Im an online junkie.  (Being online is pretty addicting, I might as well use it to my advantage)

Im modern.  (Being online is something this generation appreciates an maximizes)

I enjoy warp zones.  (Online learning requires major concentration that should disorient you from reality a bit).

Im a pathfinder.  (This is instinct, and online learning requires tracking and counter-checking of information.)

Im not a stand-up comedian.  (Im not spontaneous but Im disciplined.  I take learning seriously.)

Its all about words.

I cry at movies and I barf at roller coaster rides.  (I know how to de-stress and relate to people even if I dont see them.)

I can sleep all I want without getting caught.  (Sleep isnt the enemy in learning.)

Im FREEEE (I can be as sloppy and do anything I want as long as Im online.)

I can win any word game without time limits.  (I am resourceful.)

Top 10 Reasons Why Id Rather Be in a Traditional Classroom

Im Ms Popular.  (Socialization is a wonderful way of learning.  Im a people-person.)

Im straight.  (I believe in formal and conservative thinking.)

Im territorial.  (I follow a system that works, and that includes a schedule, a classroom and a routine.)

Im no ghost-hunter and I believe in to see is to believe.  (Its easy to pretend about something you cant be
sure about.  Its not about trust, its simply about being part of the present time and being able to acknowledge reality with your senses.)

Im a performer.  (There are other skills to tap and the traditional classroom gives that opportunity.)

Its about words with body language.  (Non-verbals speak more than the actual words.  Interaction and communication must work right to be effective.)

I love the library.  (Textbooks are part of the requirement and the rest of the other books allow me to distress.)

I can practice sleeping while my eyes are open.  (specially when tired.)

Someones watching me.  (The idea that someones supervising makes me exert more effort  to not do anything stupid.)

Go fish.  (Should play by the rules.)


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