
Beowulf is apparently a tale of a hero who comes in the ultimate purpose of helping Danish King Hrothgar, whose land and kingdom have been assaulted and terrified by the vicious dragon named Grendel. Just like any other heroes in films, Beowulf managed to defeat Grendel with his crafty skills and physical strength. After Beowulf defeated Grendel, he meets Grendels mother, who is seductive yet dangerous, and who enthralls and curses him. With all her doings, Beowulfs decency was corrupted but which will later be regained after an ultimate battle.

I found it beneficial that some novels were made to movies. It is a significant alternative for non-readers to connect with the important themes of literature and learn about the printed text. However, some movies were not able to portray the story according to my expectations. For instance, the movie Beowulf in my own opinion unsuccessfully illustrates the theme of the book which is good versus evil. The movie gave life to Beowulf who overcomes evil through his extraordinary strengths. Though the classical poem has perhaps become something of a burden for most people maybe including me but the movie has all the ingredients that present the blockbuster action flicks from graphic violence, immense battles and fantastic graphic creatures. The description of battles and violence inside the book satisfies me visually in the movie but some of the themes, depths and substance of the poem are a little bit sacrificed. I think the animation and other visual elements were exaggerated without so much emphasis on the characters dialogues and development. Note the setting is a feudal newly Christianized world still populated by the monsters and demons of the ancient world but the characters sense of Christianity is not highlighted which is supposedly important to get the message on how good triumph evil. But it is still a great translation especially if the main purpose is to make it more accessible to all kinds of audiences.

The visual effects of the film were really great though with three-dimensional images of character. In this movie the film makers generated new animation tools where they incorporated the elements of key frame animation to capture the facial expressions of the actors and actresses. Through this technology, the scenes look more real which makes the viewers imagine the distant past so vividly. The film is apparently visually appealing perfect for the younger audience. The story though is not so faithful to the printed text.


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