Character Sketch of Hamlet

The character of Hamlet is one of William Shakespeares most interesting characters with regard to his complex personality and revenge-driven motivations. As a young man who just lost his father, King Hamlet, it is apparent that he is yet to adjust to the new life he is left to live which the sudden marriage of his mother, Gertrude to his Uncle Claudius. This situation is most possibly the very reason for his hatred towards Claudius which made it easy for him to believe the supposedly ghostly apparition of his father. As the ghost claims that Claudius was the one responsible for his death, Hamlet was quick to believe the ghost without further investigation due to his initial dislike of Claudius suddenly transitioning as his uncle to stepfather.

Hamlet has obviously disapproved of his uncle Claudius even before he saw the ghost of his father claiming that the one who murdered him was Claudius and that he needed his son to avenge him. His seething hatred for Claudius was rooted upon his hasty marriage to his mother, Gertrude. He mentioned in one of his soliloquies that it has only been two months since the late King Hamlets death and his mother has already remarriednot to mention married to her late husbands brother O, God a beast that wants discourse of reason,  Would have mournd longer,married with mine uncle,  My fathers brother but no more like my father  Than I to Hercules within a month (1.2.150-153).

    It is also important to note that Hamlets actions triggered his lover, Ophelias madness and pushed her to commit suicide. One of the notable scenes suggesting Hamlets manipulation of Ophelia is the nunnery scene where Hamlet tells Ophelia that, I did love you once whereas Ophelia replies with Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so. Hamlet then tells her You should not have believed me and Ophelia responds with I was the more deceived then comes the famous cruel line of Hamlet, Get thee to a nunnery, why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners (3.1.114-121). Clearly, it is not confirmed whether Hamlet is sincere with his words as he is simply pretending to be mad to avoid being caught guilty of planning to kill Claudius. This scene extremely signifies Hamlets impact to the emotions of Ophelia. She is choked by her experience of patriarchal ascendancy which is present in her relationship with Hamlet. He calls her names and tells her harsh words. It is ironic though he actually loves her dearly yet he is one of the reasons for her suffocation.

     The character of Hamlet is as complex as the storys plot which actually makes the play more interesting. His previous actions are ultimately the reasons why conflicts arose in his life and in the lives of the supporting characters as well. He was a vengeful character who could have smoothed things out without resorting to violence but since he was blinded by his rage and the fast-paced transitions in his life, he was forced to think and act impulsively.


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