Life in Paradise - Peter Hubball

How do you describe paradise the very world seems to imply heaven, the Bahamas are definitely a paradise. From the intermingling islands to the beaches with clear water that allows you to see the amazing coral formations. The people are diverse and always smiling as though life here had ascended them to a different reality. Time doesnt exist and just a short vacation is enough to be a life time changing experience. Whether you idle your days away listening to the rhythm of the ocean, lazing away on beaches filled with tropical splendor. Your imagination can run wild, from being in a world from a different time exploring the history and intriguing stories of buried treasure. This is the closest you will come to finding if you will paradise on earth.

Life in Paradise
You awaken to the glistening waters gentle rhythm as though you are emerging into paradise. The weather is never a problem as even the winters are more like summer to other parts of the world. You then walk along the beaches with the white sand slipping gently between your toes as you see the gentle caress of the ocean. The locals are friendly, smiling at you and making you feel welcome. As though they know a secret and soon you too will awaken to the secret of how life can be. You feel freedom that is unexplained in words you are timeless and in essence synchronistical to the island. Your greatest worries are when to enjoy breakfast. The traffic is different. It is not the bustling pace of a city but instead a friendly chaotic island experience. The mingling dialects and English accents in themselves make you feel at ease. This becomes a life that you do not want to leave, that enchants you with quaint customs and tropical delight. Every minute is an experience in which you can allow yourself to slow down to the tone of the island. The history is vivid from stories of buried treasure and maritime mysteries. To exploring the other Islands and slowly letting the past stress of the real world disappear. The coral is absolutely awesome to observe. The longer you stay on the Islands the more they become a part of your life. It is a stress free casual approach to a world outside that is insane with deadlines and stress. That is not what you find in the Bahamas. Here you find that a part of the islands goes into you heart and leaves you breathless just by being a part of it. So after spending the day either participating in water sports and activities or lazing around you prepare yourself for the evening. It is a time of festivity and entertainment where you truly experience another culture. From the dancing to the languid ease at which you all gather together, relaxation cannot begin to explain a day in the Islands. Even the drinks are exotic cocktails served in an ambience that can only be referred to as an Island experience.

  You awaken to another day and the same routine begins again, except that this time it is as though you are a part of the Islands. You feel welcome and at home. In your heart you get a feeling that you never really want to leave. Because the Islands change you, so as you explore from Island to Island and languish in tropical tranquility. A part of you belongs to the islands. In this relaxed paradise you slowly leave all the baggage that you have been carrying and find happiness inside of yourself, just because you are in paradise. The magnificence of just being you on an island is something that most people only ever dream about.  When it comes time to say goodbye to the Islands it is an emotional experience, you remember tranquil walks and days spend that are written in you. You dont want to leave, although you take a part of the Islands with you. When you return to civilization you seem and feel different. People notice you and wonder why you seem to know some cryptic secret with the faint smile that you still walk around with. The secret of the Islands is within you, something that only someone who has spent time there can understand. It becomes like a home that you never really want to leave, but the call of the Islands will bring you back. The vivacious memories that tantalize you are the gifts of the Islands. And when you do leave the locals and guests have become your friends. It is as the Islands give to you, so you too give a part of your heart to the Islands. You never really leave and the memories made are remembered for a lifetime. After having been to the Islands of the Bahamas you can truly say you know the meaning of the word Paradise.


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