Reflection Paper on Being a Legal Business Advisor

My experience interpreting the text is just like the feeling I get from reading any other work that I have done. I always get a little embarrassed when I read my own work. I always think that I could do better than what I have written but then, it does not really show in my revisions. I get embarrassed because in some instances I do not believe that I have really written the paper that I am reading I would often say to myself,  Really, I wrote that  in disbelief of either the cockiness of what I have written or the arrogance of the text. Writing the interpretation makes me feel more embarrassed because I have to admit the mistakes I have done and how I feel about my own writing.

    Interpreting the text is not really hard. It would not be my own work if I encounter a great deal of difficulty in interpreting it. Probably the only real problem that I have encountered in interpreting the text is that I had difficulty initially in recalling the exact thoughts that ran through my mind when I was writing the paper. I knew what I was trying to say with the paper but how I got to write those words is a different matter.  I needed to recall these because it is important in interpreting my previous work. I was able to recall some of the thoughts through deep recollection of what I have been doing at the time that I was writing the paper.

    The concept introduced in class that I use in the paper is definition and exemplification.  First, I defined the different kinds of lawyers and the particular work that they do. Contract experts, business organization lawyers, real estate lawyers, taxes and licenses, and intellectual property lawyers to name some. I then defined briefly what each of these lawyers do. I then presented the demographics of lawyers in the country how many lawyers are there, and the number of law students becoming lawyers each year.

    Brainstorming, drafting, revising, and peer reviewing were definitely useful in completing the final paper. Brainstorming paved the way for the paper to be conceptualized, drafting materialized the whole thing, revising allowed me to spot and correct the mistakes that I have made and peer reviewing allowed me to consider the suggestion of my peers and realize even further the mistakes that I have committed.

    I learned, upon close examination of my own work that as a writer, I still need to improve my writing. There are still a few grammatical errors even though they are few and far in between. For example I wrote  ...the number of woman lawyers in America has dramatically increased.  The word  woman  should be pluralized (women). Another instance is when I wrote must past the required examination...  the right word to use in place of  past  is pass. Past is referring to a time that has already passed while  pass  is to attain a certain score to qualify for a particular requirement. As a reader, I realized that I have improved my reading skills since first learning the language. Years ago, I would not have noticed immediately the mistakes that I have mentioned but now I can easily spot them.

    Spotting mistakes is just one of the criteria that I consider when assessing my writing skills. The opinions of others also matter to me. I have improved my writing skills through relentless reading of anything I can get a hold on to books, magazines, newspapers, anything. Based on my progress, I guess that it is really true that reading is the best way to learn how to write.


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