Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment

Choice and struggle represent two psychological issues of Crime and Punishment. These issues alarm the souls of the characters. This is the authors view on the world and existence of humans in this world. A free-thinking character Rodion Raskolnikov wants to review the decisions on all the main lifes questions. In his crazy dream he creates his own world, strange and vague, but so attractive that he cant help thinking about it. In the given paper we will consider and try to explain the main idea of writer-strategist who does not reveal his most important it at once. He leads us step by step to one important conclusion every crime has its punishment. Part II Chapter 1. Crime and Punishment is very bright and convincing because it shows mental suffering and evolution of the character of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Mistakes made by the society and by the protagonist.
At first, Raskolnikov sees our world as a place of justice and good deeds. At first his own idea seems awful to him, when he hears the students conversation in the tavern in the first part of the novel angry, sick, old and unnecessary woman on the one side and young power dying without any support on the other side hundreds of good deeds, which would be possible to perform for her money (Crime and Punishment). This is the example of the first decision that belongs both to student and to the whole society.

New decision offered by the author
Raskolnikov committed crime and became a murderer. He mistakenly thought that only one murder for the sake of many lives is not a big deal. Passing his hero through suffering, Dostoevsky demonstrated how wrong he was in his decision Surely it isnt beginning already Surely it isnt my punishment coming upon me It is (Crime and Punishment). The author showed that the idea, which made Raskolnikov shed human blood in spite of himself, appeared between him and the world making him separated from his mother and sister forever. And the number of victims is growing a guy was caught and accused of Alyona Ivanovnas murder. Pulheria Alexandrovna will be the next she could not bear that happened to her son (Crime and Punishment).

Step by step Dostoevsky made us understand that the idea to have a power, even with the purpose to save human lives is destructive. Our society should try not to sacrifice but to save the life of every person, because no idea is worth killing people.

The convincing arguments of the author
    The arguments of Dostoevsky as the arguments of very intelligent person are difficult to understand. It is a pity that many people could not understand the ideas of Dostoevsky he wanted to share with us in his outstanding work. I consider the ideas and arguments of Fyodor Dostoevsky to be very convincing. The question about life priorities is the main problem of our society and I think that the main hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is sensitive and extraordinary person. He committed crime because could not see the suffering of poor people. He felt himself the one of them and tried to find a way-out. The main idea of this problem is the question what is more important What should be on the first place During all the novel Raskolnikovs personality is gradually changing, therefore his priorities are also changing. His conscience dictates him how to act, thus he comes to the conclusion that money and power are not the most important in our life, he understands that he had no right to kill. His repentanceis happening gradually and he fully repents only by the end of the novel.

    The very important problem of the society shoed by Dostoevsky is poverty. In the novel people cant earn their life and this makes them degrade, become prostitutes and thefts. Marmeladov is the perfect example of that, because he spends all free time drinking and does not care about his hungry children and wife. Sonya Marmeladova, a person with very beautiful and wise soul, also degraded getting money working as a prostitute (Crime and Punishment, p. 90).

    However, in this world of cruelty still there are feelings of love and compassion. Sonya really loves Rodion Raskolnikov, trusts him and tries to help him even after he confesses to crimes.  During the novel Sonya does not leave Raskovnilov and follows him to the prison (Crime and Punishment).
    The lessons presented by Fyodor Dostoevsky in his novel Crime and Punishment are really invaluable. A writer-strategist does not reveal his most important idea at once, he leads us step by step to one important conclusion every crime has its punishment. If a person committed at least one crime, he is already a criminal and it does not matter, what goal he pursued. And the punishment will find him maybe not at once, but in some weeks, days or years. It is enough to overstep the limit only once, everybody should remember that.


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