I believe that crime as it occurs in the everyday life of people should not be considered as the norm but should instead be considered as an exception to what is happening in our lives. Although it is inevitable to eliminate crime, it is still something that the authorities, or people in power or those in government should address to be able to eliminate them or be kept in a minimum.

I am of the opinion that it is very dangerous to accept crime as a norm because this would leave an impression that it is alright to commit crimes since it is the concept that it is a way of life or something that happens on a daily basis. In my opinion, the correct frame of mind is to accept that crime happens everyday but there should be means and ways that must be developed in order to help prevent the happening thereof. If it were otherwise, the children or the youth would be very much affected. This is for the reason that the children or the younger generation should be guided accordingly. The values and character of every person, especially the young ones would be corrupted. The commission of crimes affects the lives of both the victims and the accused in a negative way. A criminal is regarded as a sick member of society who needs help. Most probably a criminal commits a crime for a number of reasons, one of which is poverty. The crimes of theft, robbery and other like crimes are committed due to lack of financial resources for a person to survive. Therefore, if there is a goal of totally eliminating crimes, I believe that there should be adequate programs that are to be implemented by the government in order to solve the root of the problem.

I agree that the commission of crimes disrupts public peace and order and destroys the lives of many individuals. Thus, it cannot be said that we, the people, should just accept what is happening and consider crime as a normal aspect of life.


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