Animal Farm Comparison

Animal Farm by George Orwell is similar to the fairy tales and fables created to mystify and charm audiences all over the world. Animal Farm is similar to Aesops story of The Eagle and the Arrow and Hans Christian Andersons fairy tale of The Brave Tin Soldier. All three stories use characters that cannot exist, yet each of them has elements that allow the reader to relate to quality of life today.

Animal Farm uses animals to show the roles played by humans today. Animals depict the greed for power and lust for success that exists in every individual waiting to emerge at the slightest opportunity as is proven by Napoleon Napoleon is always right. This is coupled with the goodness and loyalty those who refuse to lower themselves to selfishness and indulgence, choosing instead to follow their conscience as is evident by Boxers continuous belief in a better end I will work harder. The Eagle in Aesops fable is thinking and living being that can decipher the good and bad done unto him it found that the shaft of the Arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. The sense of inane justice is a concept that is perfectly understood by this animal. Hans Christians tale uses toys to add a mystical but deep feeling in the plot. By employing ordinary toys, a tale of love and woe is created, imprinting a deep impact on the reader. Human feelings are incorporated with the toys as the soldier thinks That is the wife for me, as he looks at the dancing doll.  Thus, all three writers employ magical characters or animals to create a plot that is humanistic and moving.

Each story has a plot and a moral. Be it Orwells novel or Aesops short fable. The stories add a human element which implicates a moral to the story. However, each moral is similar or prevalent in the story, fable or tale placed against it. Animal Farm discusses how by removing one evil, an individual should not find it replaced by a similar one. The animals threw out Jones just to find him replaced by a member of their own community, Napoleon who claimed All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. This moral also rings as a deep undertone in the story of the tin soldier. While pursuing his dream to win over the dancing doll the soldier failed to heed the words of the goblin, eventually leading to his melting. Another moral of the three stories is the vulnerability an individual reveals about themselves, leading to their own doom. This is evident in the Animal Farm where the hard-working animals show their desire to live and fight for a cause, leading to those lusting for power to manipulate them and lead to their eventual death. In Aesops fable, the eagle is killed by an arrow that is unwittingly decorated with its own feathers. The Tin Soldier is also killed not because of any personal defect but because of his frailty when trying to win the heart of the dancing figure. By revealing their emotions or characters be it pride, love or hard-work, each character of these works is rewarded accordingly.

Thus, each story works hard to incorporate the idea that while human feelings need not exist in a human alone, life is difficult for every rational and emotional being.


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