To the admissions department,
I am (place name) and I am interested in attending (place name of school) under your (place degree) program. I have done a lot of research online as well as through brochures and the advice of my friends and family as such I have come to the conclusion that if I were to attend (place name of university) that I would grow as a person and I would be able to become a success.
When applying to your institution I do not just bring myself as a person rather I also bring with me many years of professional and academic experience. I have been working for (place name of specific government organization) for (put number of years). Throughout those years I helped (place name of company or companies) respond to rapidly changing technologies and practices by providing profession language interpretation services both over the phone and through personal interactions with our clients. I can assure you that I can keep up with the demands of the course and even excel due to my experiences.

When it comes to my use of the English language I can assure you that I am a fluent English speaker and that I can write in a manner that is clear and well understood. I happen to be multilingual I can speak, read and write in Bosnian, German and English interchangeably. I actually rather enjoy reading and writing in different languages and I plan to one day have a side career as a professional translator working for government and nongovernmental organization as well as the private sector.

I happen to have to have lived a very interesting life wherein I have lived in Germany for several thus enabling me to have a broader understanding of the different cultures that are out there and giving me the ability to both tolerate and accept the different cultural differences between individuals of different ethnic origins.
I graduated from (place name of high school) wherein I completed the course with a good academic record and without incident. Through my experiences there and what I learned while working I realized that in order for me to improve myself and get ahead in the world I will need to improve what I already know and learn new things. I enjoyed my high school experiences and going back to them would be like revisiting an old friend. I decided that there would be nothing wrong with going back to studying and achieving a Bachelors degree.  I want to be able to earn a BA in order for me to become a high school teacher in Victoria Melbourne. It has always been my dream to do so and I will do all that I can and all that I must in order to achieve this goal. With this in mind I am determined in entering (name of university) and I assure you I will succeed and even thrive in an academic environment.

In conclusion I am confident in my skills and I know that should I be accepted I would be able to finish my degree and become an alumnus the school would be proud of.

Thank you and I hope that I will accepted


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