The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love

Amidst the falling cherry blossoms of the Temple of the Heavenly Kings or under a blooming wisteria trellis, they fall head over heels with love with some handsome fellow.

Reflecting on this idea, the author showcases the other side of how love can corrupt and destroy a once fruitful relationship. In here, it does not only look into the value of how ones perception of romance and relationship can be shattered when someone whos better comes along the way. I chose this because I seek to expound the sanctity of a relationship or marriage.

Despite the idea that individuals can commit mistakes, the relevance of choices come into the picture. It is through this that the idea of overcoming boundaries comes into place. It seeks to foster that the idea surrounding any romantic relationship can reach its eventual climactic end.

Seeing this, I do believe that the work of Saikaku fosters a deeper sense of love. It transcends over its traditional boundaries of romanticism and encompasses the ability of individuals to withstand these obstacles and trials along the process. It is through this that it greatly coincides with the themes presented in the work as well as the two readings in the way it introduces and handles relationships.

In love, the gods will assure my success, without having to solicit protection for my heart is true, true as the road we shall travel together.

I chose this passage because of the truthful nature of the persona in identifying who shall direct the relationship process. In here, the value of every relationship circumvents on the capacity of couples to tread the path they sought to take and decide on what avenues are appropriate to grow in the process. This is particularly essential since it is not mainly an individuals religious affiliation that can bind people together. Rather, it is the understanding between couples that makes such process valuable and true.

Seeing this, I adhere to the themes presented by Saikaku that it is ones personal principles that dictate the outcome of every relationship. Love transcends over common misconceptions and obstacles and it becomes a valuable aspect that shapes the process of carefully building such partnerships. It is through such ability that individuals can strike the balance of both the positive and negative realities brought about by love.

This set the flames of love burning more fiercely in the coopers heart and he cried My lady, I will supply you with all the firewood you will need to make tea for the rest of your life (Saikaku, p.595).

I particularly liked this passage because of the intensity and devotion showed by the man to win the womans heart over. In the process of the story, it can be seen that the man recognizes that it through not money alone or material possessions that can win a womans heart. Rather, it is the commitment to becoming a part of that person and willingness to submit to both her positive and negative traits. This passion towards something is what I believes lights the fire among people to pursue what they want and becomes a good motivation in achieving their objective.

Relating to the theme of Saikaku, the value of measuring compatibility surely does not rest on material possessions alone. Love cannot be bought nor measured by ones material possessions. Rather, it is the ability to showcase truth among the distinct crowd that becomes vital in creating something out of the ordinary. Sometimes, it is rather the simple things that can make a woman fall for one man. Thus, one can clearly decipher the comparison of love to the notion as being simple and complicated facets that though are in contrast with one another go together with the term.

The Narrow Road of the Interior

The sun and moon are eternal voyagers the years that come and go are travelers too.

I really like this analogy by Matsuo Basho because it helps provide readers with the insight towards our ability as co-travelers. Under this idea, it seeks to promote the idea of life  one that is constantly changing and a continuous voyage. This then becomes an essential insight that one should consider. In such essence, one may then turn to believe in our own individual capacities. Regardless of the decisions and paths we take, the voyage shall continue, life shall continue to pass.

Seeing this, the question now of how we live it becomes extremely important. In here, different ideas may come to ones head in the effort to find purpose and meaning. However, I do believe that the mere idea of taking part in such travel is meaning to itself. It is the ability to experience and feel something becomes the driving force to continue moving forward. This is one particular theme that can be seen as one progresses reading the text by Basho.

Ah awesome sight
on summer leaves and spring leaves,
the radiance of the sun

Reflecting on this particular passage, I really felt the simplicity but depth of this poem. It greatly showcases the value of nature on its grandest. Though limited in words, the choices made in each line correspond to something rich that one cannot seek to explain. It is this idea that captures ones imagination and experience and builds it altogether to produce something extraordinary. Such capacity then infuses a better understanding on as to how one appreciates the value of our environment.

Analyzing this passage further, it can be seen that it coincides with Bashos theme surrounding life. Since we are constantly travelling in a voyage, it is through this that we can experience the wonder and greatness of nature. Despite our busy time accomplishing our tasks and objectives, we tend to forget and realize the relevance of the things around us. If we can just stop for awhile and wonder at the magnificence of these, one would then realize its relative sense and purpose.

Although we hear about many places celebrated in verse since antiquity, most of them vanished with the passing of time.

Reflecting on the passage, I chose this because it greatly resembles the way time can change things. In here, regardless of its depth, longevity, or age, nothing remains to be permanent. Everything has their corresponding time limit. The only reality that cannot change is the process of change itself. It is through such that the value of how we live our life becomes an essential part. In here, choices that we make continue to matter and become an instrument towards finding fulfillment and satisfaction.

Assessing the perspective of Basho, I do feel that his theme centers on the ability of one to appreciate life. It is the essence of engagement and constant value of its significance that people can find the relevance of life. Seeing this, it does not mainly coincide with the perspective of living selfishly. On the other hand, it is the process of engaging towards finding purpose and meaning with the value of culminating decision making. This theme remains valuable in generating insights on readers especially on the value of ones journey to find what they are looking for.


I felt certain that you are a sincere man, and that I should devote the rest of my life to you.

I chose this passage due to the value and sincerity of the woman to the man. In here, the idea of partaking towards a relationship can clearly be seen in the manner as the relationship is taken to the next level. Such capacity to engage in such manner becomes essential in sealing a relationship. It is through such element that the nature of relationship becomes realized and seen.

Analyzing the theme of Akinari, it can be seen that it seeks to justify the relevance of relationships. Under the perspective of the author, the value of engagement and love becomes significant. This was highlighted to the fact that careful consideration and authenticity was made in the analogy of how people interact with one another. At the same time, such intricacies do connote how precious and valuable relationships are to the characters.

Such theme can be related to the idea of Basho towards marriage and how such conventions allow relationship to blossom and degrade. In here, the purpose of such act then resounds on the capacity of people to facilitate and handle the situations.

Such a thing is hardly appropriate in fishermans house. If Father hears about it, he will surely give you a sound scolding.

I chose this element because of the idea of how Akinari portrays the idea of establishing customs and traditions within the nature of society. Though he may have attributed the condition of relationship between a man and a woman, the nature of customs and practices continue to dominate individual decision making. Such approaches then become existent within the nature of Japanese society. In a relatively patriarchal setup, standards are in place to stabilize appropriate ways to behave and foster greater ways for people to interact.

With these, such facet then showcases the theme of Akinari. In essence, he seeks to redefine that despite the attempt of characters to address the individual aspect of relationships, it caters towards adherence to societal standards. Such functions then hinder people from freely pursuing their needs and wants. Seeing this, the value of individual decisions become less significant and what people do is succumbing to these realities accordingly.

My dear husband, there is nothing strange about all this. Even if you have forgotten your pledge to me, made across the seas and over the mountains, we meet again because it has been predestined.

The chosen quote personifies the value that husband and wife show each other. In here, it seeks to cultivate new ideas on how each handle their relationship. At the same time, consideration can be seen in the way they believe in superstition and destiny. This principle becomes an essential facet that shapes the ability of couples to determine the course and outcome of their relationship. In here, Akinari provides a good analogy of how marriage can be viewed in the lens of Japanese.

Reflecting on the theme of Akinaris theme, the overall process of marriage and relationship showcases the approach in harnessing its value and significance among couples. Under the process it gives readers the ability to decipher important ideas on what matters the most. Seeing this, it induces learning and appreciation of the culture and its relevance towards actions. Such approach can then be related towards the idea provided by Basho as he seeks to compare the value of relationships.


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