Tragedy literary works give readers to feel the pain of going through the negative endings of the dilemmas they go through.  At the same time, these literary works remind readers that not all negative experiences bring negative consequences only.  On the other hand, if readers would like to laugh and feel light emotions, reading comedic literary works would be the best thing to do. Reading comedies make the readers appreciate the importance of laughter as the best medicine to uplift the spirits during gloominess.
Numerous readers have been moved by the tragic and deep love feelings exhibited by the
 main characters in Romeo and Juliet.  It has been admired for its pathetic rather than for its tragic power and many would agree with Johnson that in this instance anyway Shakespeares pathetic strains are ... polluted with some unexpected depravations for its tragic power and many would agree with Johnson that in this instance anyway Shakespeares pathetic strains are ... polluted with some unexpected depravations.  Despite the fact that numerous readers are touched by the deep affection and love exhibited by Romeo and Juliet, several readers also find that Shakespeare may have missed incorporating words and scenes for this literary work to cause the readers to think he was pathetic in describing the lovers as people who are so in love they could not seem to allow themselves to widen their horizons and be open to the possibility of falling in love with other people which do not carry such complications. Shakespeare may have done this so by using words and sceneries that seem lame, rather than moving. Words such as apple of my eye, when used excessively in literature becomes lame and eventually loses its loving appeal.
Hard-hearted readers would not take mushy words and scenes too good. People now live in a world where they usually want to come across as sophisticated despite the fact of having a romantic hearts, too. Because of this reason, they prefer to not relate with excessive mushy words and scenes. Considerable number of people is of this type. Therefore, it is imperative that Shakespeare keeps up with the trend to avoid losing supporters for his work.
Forbidden love attracts and intrigues numerous readers. The change of direction is more or less imposed on the young lovers, who therefore, impress us primarily as victims.  This comedic love story that eventually ends in tragedy which involves young people stands out from other works of Shakespeare due to its disastrous ending. No other works of Shakespeare have ever concentrated on the combination of tragedy and comedy and young people as victims in the past.  This can easily be noticed by any person who is a strong follower of Shakespeares works.
Romeo and Juliets funny encounter at a party, which eventually ends in their tragic deaths upon falling in love.  He gives us in the early scenes a brief but complete comic structure and then develops his tragedy of love by exploiting the points of strain and paradox within the system of comic assumptions that informs that structure.  Shakespeare first depicts the meeting of Romeo and Juliet for the first time at a party as somewhat funny as their friends and relatives made fun on them when they meet for the first time. He then translates these comic elements through narrating the process of them falling in love, and then transcending the scene into the tragic death of the lovers as they realize their love seem hopeless with no future hope to thrive.  Shakespeare most likely felt it would be better to add comic and light feelings on a tragic work to prevent readers to feel so much pain after reading the work.
Two couples greatly appeal to readers when witnessing the tragic events in A Midsummers Night Dream. A Midsummer Nights Dream is one of the most original conceptions in poetic literature. This originality lies in the imaginative skill with which a main plot -- that of Theseus and the Athenian Lovers -- and two subplots, -- that of the Fairies and that of the Clowns with the interlude of Pyramus and Thisbe, -- all derived from widely different sources, are compacted into a harmonious and convincing dream drama, of which the scenery, the atmosphere, and the actors are peculiarly English and distinctly Elizabethan.  As compared to Romeo and Juliet, tragic events in this work are not that heart wrenching. The love relationships in the work are what every people dreamed of having due to the absence of excessive tragic elements in them. Readers also admire the relationships in this work due to its admirable English, and distinctly Elizabethan pleasant and classic setting where they are based. These facts can be witnessed through the cheery ways that one of the female characters exhibit when making her intention of liking a certain man known in the first scene of the literary work. This just goes to show that tragic elements in this work are very minimal.
Loneliness in this work are reflected upon positively, which makes this work lose it tragic appeal.   Four nights will quickly dream away the time And then the moon, like to a silver bow New bent in heaven, shall behold the night Of our solemnities. In act I, scene I of the work, one of the Theseus lovers feel the hopelessness of having their love become fruitful and letting it have future while still maintaining a positive attitude. In the process, the lovers were able to think even if their love would have no future, the experience would be something to regard as a lesson in life which they can learn from and treasure as long as they live. On that note, this negative experience becomes a positive experience as well by having it interpreted differently.
Comedy and tragedy leave lasting legacies in the way they were incorporated in Romeo and Juliet.


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