Achieving Your Dreams by Helping Others

There are different ways for a person to achieve his or her dreams by helping other people. This is a theoretic concept and the practical implementation of this theory into life will vary from person to person. In other words, this will not work in the same manner for everyone. Achieving ones dream is not an easy task as it may seem. History is rich in facts that many eminent people achieved their dreams by helping those around them. In order to achieve the dreams it is very important that one recognizes his or her own flaws and it is very important that he or she overcomes those flaws. In other words, to achieve a dream one needs to traverse through different paths, mending the shortcomings, and eschewing the adamant belief that what one thinks is always right.

In the lifes journey, a human being has to face a lot of hardships and challenges before he or she can fulfill a dream. Under this condition, when a person hopes to achieve his or her objectives while helping others, the hardships get multiplied because this individual has to take care of not just him or herself, but of others too. For example, if a person wants to fight against discrimination in the society, he or she needs to work persistently to attain the set goal. The person will also have to gain support from others, which will involve much efforts and time, because only a considerable group of people can bring changes to the society and eliminate vices from the community.

To achieve the dual objectives of attaining ones dreams and at the same time, making others happy, a person needs to have much confidence and enthusiasm besides the capacity for sustained hard work. Moreover, it calls for immense courage on the part of an individual.

Randy Pausch
Prof. Randy Pausch was an eminent US scholar in computer science and taught in Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania. Prof. Pausch was also the co-founder of the CMUs entertainment technology centre and introduced the virtual concepts and technology courses. His works include the creation of the Alice software project, cofounding virtual reality with Disney Imaginers besides delivering a lot of inspirational speeches about life. Besides, he was the author of 5 books and 70 articles.

Prof. Randy Pausch cherished several goals, including proper time management, finding the best career, working for the causes he embraced and possessing the ability to execute his tasks efficiently with his team members and peers. He was an untiring worker who would put in incessant efforts to attain his goals both in his profession as well as in life. According to him, setting the right goals is an important decision making process in the persons life and this will decide his course of destiny. To develop appropriate goals an individual needs proper planning. To attain this dream one has to execute the plan efficiently, by coordinating ones work, social and family obligations etc. However, more significant is ones contentment with his soul which will prompt him to consider the happiness of others. Its thrilling to fulfill your own childhood dreams, but as you get older you may find that enabling the dreams of others is even more fun. (Pausch and Zaslow, 117).

According to Prof Pausch the importance of time as an ultimateelement of significance and promulgated the concept that time is money. The different strategies adopted by Randy Pausch for successfully achieving his objectives are time management, self discipline and the ability to lead a balanced life. The time management emphasizes and creates the value for time, which is the chief resource man has. He gives different tips of time management in handling the phone, while speaking, while arranging the books, shopping, at work place and in personal life.

He emphasizes the fact that self-discipline is the elementary skill in the organization, and it is one of the determinants of the effectiveness of the management. This is applicable to individuals as well. It helps in the creating different kinds of tools, information and data where one is prepared in meeting with the target and the plan in achieving the projects ahead within stipulated schedule.

When an individual considers the happiness of others while pursuing his dreams, he gives leeway to them and can fetch them results besides motivating them to do so for people around them. Pauschs work will help people in numerous ways. Pausch says that achieving the childhood dreams is a significant event in a persons life and he feels that only concrete planning can make this possible.Prof. Pausch gives the utmost constructive counsel when he provides an array of tips to attain the heights of success by ardently pursuing ones dreams. Optimism and positive attitudes are two of the other traits he advocates that a person should possess, to enable him to accomplish the goals he chases. These qualities will induce in people the right attitude for adaptation, understanding of life, ignoring the invalid ideas of other people, self discipline, time management, balanced life, positive approach, reality conscious etc.

Achieving your childhood dream, was the last lecture given by Prof Randy Pausch, which received media attention globally and the performance by him was such an eye opener that it created a storming impact over the internet, which was viewed infinite times by millions in different social networking sites. He was much known for the work on time management and the tips given for the same. Besides, his popularity also stems from the keen focus that he placed on the discussion on the professional and personal goals along with the impact of his expeditions, the challenges and threats he faced etc. The sensational presentations and workshops conducted by Prof. Randy give a good message for the people to be inspired by his lecture and to be in a position to understand different objectives in accomplishing the goals.

There are various lessons to be learned from the lecture, including the accomplishing dreams and attaining success in life by overcoming different obstacles. The emphasis on time management in the day to day activities from the ignorance of time in speaking over the phone and in shopping are some strong points that he brings out from everyday life of a person. To have a plan for the execution of the dream, success should be the factor in every stage of life. Remaining honest and recognizing reality are other positive aspects that make a person worthy of success. The constraints from the lessons can be applied from the starting of the dream to the implementation in terms of money, time and other external resources.

Cora Tucker
Cora Tucker was an activist who worked for the emancipation of black laborers. She was born in 1941 in Boston, in a poor family who were laborers in the fields of white people. She also rendered her services in a factory owned by the whites. The remarkable work done by Mrs. Tucker include the Founded Citizens for a Better America in 1975, and she conducted a survey on the lack of employment opportunities and other challenges that black communities faced. She had initiated tremendous efforts to build a reputation for the black race in the Washington DC area.

The main goals of Cora Tucker include the equity, eco-racism and the environmental history. Other goals embrace the establishment of the political, economical and cultural freedom after years of rejection. The equity includes equal rights for every race in the country without any discrimination. The environment issues related to the dumping of harmful waste like the poly ethylene biphenyl (PNB) in the resident area of the black.

Different strategies applied by Cora Tucker were the racial discrimination policy that had to be overcome, employment, the formation of people for the registering and the right for voting besides generating the issues on environmental hazards that cause serious harm to the people. She also strived hard for organizing a community for the unity of black.

The movement that was made against the white for the emancipation and uplifting of the black in terms of race and apartheid had created many benefits to the African community in terms of employment opportunities, equal rights in the workplace, right for voting and it had a say in the legal issues. Cora saw it to the survey results were published in the local news paper. The next step was to act on the results. (Garland 358).

The work carried out by Mrs. Cora Tucker is worth much praise in the history ofthe black population. They had to endure severe sufferings in terms inequality, deprivation of environmental rights etc. She united the people from sharecropping. Share cropping is the form of drudgery, it is slavery really, you work on the mans farm supposedly for half the profit on the crops you grow. (Garland 354). She took voting very seriously and contested for the post of the Governor of Virginia with the main aim of the uplifting of people. By helping others Mrs. Tucker was able to fulfill her dream of an independent black in Boston. She had a dream of black liberation and despite all the hardships in her life, she had accomplished her dream.

The different lessons learnt from the life and history of Mrs. Cora Tucker are, if there is a desire and a well planned scheme for execution, obstacles can be nullified and there is nothing impossible in the destiny of humans. The barriers that Tucker faced in terms of non cooperation from the family members, racial discrimination, and poor family background etc had never hindered her pursuit of childhood dreams. The enthusiastic behavior, in spite of the yearning for aiming at the goal, bred only confidence in her. The principles in terms of the concept of hardworking, desire, planning and goals can be used in achieving dreams by any person.

Clairborne Paul Ellis
Claiborne Paul Ellis was born on January 8, 1927 in Durham, North Carolina to a very poor family and he never finished school. He was a very hard working man and never lost his personal beliefs when others tried to influence him. His father died early and hence he had to feed the family. He joined a gang which made him a somebody. C.P. Ellis is a former Ku Klux Klan member (Terkel 591). But after a while he left that group and got affiliated to another local community which beheld the concept of equal importance to all. Gradually he joined a committee with a black activist called Ann Atwater. This gave him the opportunity to know more about the blacks and their problems. He was also the organizer in janitors union. Ellis had got common concerns regarding the human beings especially for children. C.P Ellis was a hard worker and he never spent a day without doing something. In early seventies Ann Atwater and C P Ellis worked together in order to deal with racial problems in schools.

The main goal of C.P. Ellis is that everyone should get respect without any racial or other criteria and there should not be any discrimination among humans. He often wants to remain in the company of other people rather than being alone. Apart from that, he also hoped for a country where no battles, wars and conflict between people occur. To accomplish these dreams, C P Ellis followed a strategy called bringing together. This means his dream was to remove the racial discrimination that has prevailed in the society. In order to achieve this and also being an ex- Ku Klux Klan member he worked with a black lady with the intention to fulfill his dream by making changes in the society.

C.P Ellis always thought about others rather than focused on personal interests in order to make their life better. Besides, he worked in coordination with all sorts of people without putting any racial barriers between them. He and Ann Atwater met the people of each racial group and explained about the advantage in joining hands together by both black and whites.

The efforts of C P Ellis to integrate blacks and whites faced many challenges. The lessons we learned from this emerge as the concept that nothing is impossible. It is ones mind that makes everything possible, if there is a will. C P Ellis was optimistic about the fact that discrimination could be eliminated. Once he realized that what he was doing was not right, he was ready to change. Everyone thought that uniting whites and blacks was impossible. But C P Ellis, by joining hands with Ann Atwater, made this fete possible and he achieved his goal of eliminating discrimination on the basis of color.

To achieve a dream it is very important to work hard. Apart from that, as a more productive step, one needs to give oneself a constant thought to always remain in the positive direction. One should never give up anything in order to achieve the dream. So it is always imperative that one should overcome hardships and remove flaws from ones life and fill it with courage so that nothing would stop the person from fulfilling the dream.


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