William Shakespeare

The most profound of all writers and a fine model of exemplary writing that has impacted generations. Shakespeare, the legends, popularity continues until today.

Born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, he was the third child and oldest son of John and Mary Arden Shakespeare. He received good education from learned scholars educated at the Oxford University. The name Shakespeare was a common one in the old days with spelling variants Shagspere to Chacsper. However, little did anyone know that a unique characteristic was being shaped as little Shakespeare grew and that this name would stand out

Shakespeare adorned the written word with an evergreen characteristic that has tempted, especially, the entertainment industry. He gave a unique dimension to Theatre and Art a new flavor so that anyone who tasted it couldnt forget its taste. To be able to write anything and write well that was his forte, an unbeatable one

A writer who wrote from his heart, his plays were a reflection of society and what he experienced. Born during the Elizabethan Age, aka Golden Age in English history, it was time when literature flourished. The Shakespearean enigma enthralls people even today. His verses serve as important quotations to introduce a speech, paper, or as a reference to something.

Shakespeare wrote as he understood life, i.e., people, relationships, and societal nuances. That is what tugged at peoples hearts. His reflections on life infiltrated his writings
A tragic tale of love  Romeo and Juliet
Of Kings  King John and King Lear
Tale of evil  Hamlet
Of justice and strong women  Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice
He wrote in abundance and gave to each piece of writing, a unique flavor, making them a cut above the rest.

If Appearances are truly Deceptive, his was the case. His critics considered him to be a man who did not have a demeanor that was capable of such high caliber. There were efforts to prove that it wasnt Shakespeare but some other writer who wrote the plays. Some speculated it to be Sir Francis Bacon. Hence, the famous Shakespeare-Bacon argument. They also assessed him as not having the capacity to write such good plays because of little schooling.

Writing was his hallmark, an innate talent and his high calling that none could beat or defeat. He had an ability to almost surpass them all and set a high standard of writing. It is believed that the sonnets that he wrote had an element of a true story in them. Of course, when one writes, bits and pieces, if not wholes about ones personal experiences do creep in. He experimented with every dimension of writing and succeeded Shakespeares writings were a reflection of Elizabethan society as he lived and experienced the times.

A sensitive writer, he thought about every minute aspect of the theatre, and we notice that almost all aspects have been taken care of beautifully. For example, Hamlet, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night. He comes across as someone who cared for his audience, giving thought to how
Each scene should begin and end
Each character will take shape
The setting and dialogues, and so on.

Although language has evolved a great deal, people still prefer to retain the old flavor when it comes to reviving or reenacting Shakespearean plays. This transports us back in time and gives us a beautiful picture of the old language. In short, nothing can supplement something that has already stood out and still stands out. Indeed, old IS gold Shakespeare was one of a kind and amazingly, his legacy continues.

He also kept in mind all the factors of a stage
Length of each scene
Stage setting
Intervals between scenes
Shakespeare was adept at donning and juggling the hats of Producer, Director, Choreographer, and Editor. Meaning to say that he painstakingly put himself into the shoes of an entire production team, including the actors What a writer His portfolio included a vast and grand collection of comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances.

To be able to satisfy all the rules of grammar, vocabulary, and rhetoric needed immense practice and for a person like Shakespeare, it would seem as if this task would be a piece of cake, considering his talent. He surely would have been someone who studied a lot  people, places, and life, along with books.

All the worlds a stage,
And all men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Source As You Like It

How deep can anyone else get It seems as if the entire meaning of life is contained in just these five lines. And, if they were to be critically evaluated, a lot of study material on various topics would be the outcome. Such was the power of Shakespeares writing. Moreover, he also introduced an entirely new diction and populated his writings with a rich vocabulary by either borrowing terms, inventing new ones, or putting old words to new uses.

Shakespeare set the trend which many would follow. His writings exuded style, rich with imagery, seasoned heavily with a large vocabulary. He used his actors to send across varied messages by using the art of persuasion, admonishment, appeasement, and so on.

As criticism grows, so does admiration for the man.
The 20th century has made Shakespeare accessible to high school students. When, earlier, his writings only served as a means of entertainment, today, they are being studied and drawn into the halls of education.

It can only be concluded that Shakespeare is Shakespeare  a self-made man


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