The Story of Stuff and Manufactured LandscapeUnderstanding the Dilemma of Human Production and Consumption Analyzed

The process of production or the development of matters,. Items or even services have been an enveloping activity that has assisted man towards the need to present further development in the society. For many years, human generations depended on production when it comes to measuring how much the society has actually fared when it comes to dealing with development and progress.
This is the truth that Annie Dillard wants to point put when it comes to her animated explanatory video as she discusses about production. In the same manner Edward Burtynskys work on manufactured landscape provided a more vivid and realistic presentation and analysis about the said matter. Production though involves a lot of procedures that sometimes include the manipulation of resources that are needed to produce items for mass consumption. Apparently the matters involved do not only include raw materials but also humans who are in many ways considered to have no choice, hence are taking the most crucial stage of production through being employed in factories while their endanger their own health towards producing the materials demanded by the society. In the expense of other resources, even that of the human power, the production of materials is supported for the sake of commercial development as per shown in the clip of Anne Dillard depicting the passage of toxins from production towards the consumption of materials. This has been further supported by Burtynskys clip showing the transformed resources that has been influenced by human action pertaining t increased production.

However, production is only one phase of the activity. According to Burtynsky, this particular situation intends to bring about a certain activity that is essential of following through and that is distribution and consumption. To be able to successfully undergo this process, Dillard notes the need to involve massive marketing that involves all the systems of communication possible to the human generation.  Through marketing, it could be noticed though that the competition becomes to grow which in turn controls the different possibilities of consumption success. Through this stage of material development, it has been carried into consideration by the two works cited herein that production is indeed both a crucial and implicative part of the lifecycle of material things and how it mirrors the development of the capability of humans to handle new challenges of market demand.


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