Art as an Influence and Aid to Dante on his Pilgrimage

Dantes work on the Divine Comedy introduces a lot of elemental factors that provide one of the most important definitions of what the poem is all about. It could be observed though that somehow, there are certain matters that provide a better sense of what the entire literature is all about. Believably, these are the elements that provide a proper definition as to what the message of Dante is all about especially when it comes to handling the different metaphoric and structural words that pertain to the proper manifestations of the actual thought that the author himself aims to pass on to the readers.
These elements include that of the music, poems and visual art that are present within the entire literary creation. How did all these elements contribute to the development of the definition of Dante with regards the implementation of the real message that he wants to provide his readers. Besides that, the existence of these elements also create a good sense of defining the context of the entire selection providing a better view of the entirety of the selection in connection with the reality that the author himself intends to present to the readers in accordance with his personal perception. The following predicaments of reality as per mentioned shall be better presented in the discussion that follows.

The Development of Dantes Pilgrimage
Dantes pilgrimage presents how he was able to journey through the different stages of understanding where inferno, purgatory and paradise. Through his journey, he was able to make a definite identification of the different elements that provide the important indications on what possible considerations are made especially when it comes to manifesting the message that each stage of the poem pertains to. These elemental factors include that of the poems that he was able to read along the way and the symbolical elements that provide a better sense of where Dante intended to go to. Surely, through the use of these factors, the process of development that took place in connection with Dantes journey has been properly cleared.

Besides these, it could also be seen that there are dreams that have been used to represent the progress of the pilgrimage that is being taken by Dante. Besides serving as lead to journey, these dreams are able to propose a particular indication on how the pilgrimage is actually able make a definite turn towards the making an impact on the life of Dante himself.

Aside from the dreams, it could be sensed that Beatrice also makes a definite effect on how she, a florentin woman, was able to serve as the primary inspiration of Dante as he tries to complete his journey. As the main reason to which the journey continues to develop, Beatrice plays a great role in helping Dante make the most important choices that he needed to understand along the way, Beatrice became the actual picture of Beatrific love that denounced the importance of pure passion and concern within the definition of the importance of care that enveloped the willingness of Dante to push forward in his journey.

The Elements of Development in the Journey

The Poems
The prayers written in form of poems are actually a definite presentation of the religious understandings of Dante. His utilization of the proper words created a better sense of what actually is able to make a good sense of what he was supposed to undergo. These prayers were able lead Dante towards his journey. It could be found that these poems are important contributors towards the understanding that needed to be cleared in order to make proper placing as to how the journey of Dante would actually take position.

The Dreams
There have actually been three particular dreams that have been featured along Dantes journey that practically provided a proper direction on the approach that Dante is taking into consideration. The first dream depicts an eagle that carries Dante towards a higher ground that serves as a prelude of the transition that he had to undergo from the time he entered towards the time he reaches his destination. The eagle further illustrates a divine picture that provides guidance and assistance to Dante. (Purgatorio, XV, line 21)

The second dream is the siren. This dream further denotes the transition of the journey from the fourth towards the fifth level of journey in the purgatory. This dream shows a definite depiction of inner beauty that describes the sin that could be covered by the beauty that could actually be used to envelope the wrongness of several matters that one needs to deal with in life.

The third dream imposes on the meeting of Dante, Leah who was carrying a flower and Rachel who was carrying a mirror. This meeting denoted the last stages of purgatory that opened up the door to paradise or the state of complete rest and satisfaction.

These dreams were able to properly create an illusion as to how the different stages of purgatory have been passed by Dante through the use of proper guidance and personal instinct and understanding of the different virtues that he already have.

The art works and symbols
The symbols and the artworks all looked practically metaphorical that transcends a good sense of making a proper indication of how the entire journey was to go through. The pointed Mosaics of the virtue of sin presented how the visualization of the sin makes a perfect indication on how the definition of proper illustration creates a better way of handling and understanding the meaning of all the symbols that were used to depict the truth behind the real situations that are all considered effective in making the journey much successful and satisfying on Dantes account. Visual descriptions were also implied as per mentioned in connection with this quote
they had their faces twisted toward their haunches
and found it necessary to walk backward,
because they could not see ahead of them.
and since he wanted so to see ahead,
he looks behind and walks a backward path
_Inferno, Canto XX, lines 1315 and 3839, Mandelbaum translation

The use of different elemental factors in literary selections such as that of the Divine comedy particularly defines the need to involve proper considerations on how or why definitive indications of development were practically used to make an indicative effect on how the divinity of the story was supposed to impose on the readers. Basically it could be managed that these elements contributed to the depth of the selection and further created an artistic approach on how Dantes journey further took place. Truthfully, it could be better manifested that somehow, there are definite factors that defined the impact of the life experiences of Dante in connection with the way the story within the poem turned out to be.


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